17 Nov: Advances in Medical Deep Learning – Virtual Fall Meeting Session 1 of 3

Instead of our regular Fall meeting this year we present three short virtual events in November 2020.

At each event two keynote lectures are presented with a short moderated Q&A session.

Our six renowned speakers will show you how advances in deep learning are applied to medical imaging.

This first session we will start with Prof. Bram van Ginneken and Dr. Esther Bron.

On Tuesday 17th, Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th from 15:30 to 17:00, Bart ter Haar Romeny and John Schavemaker will be your hosts.

All session are free after registration. You only need to supply your own drinks.

The slides of the lecture of Prof. Bram van Ginneken can be found here:

Slides Prof. Bram van Ginneken

Hourly Schedule


15:30 - 15:35
Em.Prof. Bart ter Haar Romeny
15:35 - 16:20
Deep Learning in Image Diagnostics at DIAG
Keynote with Q&A
Prof. Bram van Ginneken
16:20 - 17:00
Dementia: brain imaging, machine learning and open science
Keynote with Q&A
Dr. Esther Bron
Em.Prof. Bart ter Haar Romeny
Em.Prof. Bart ter Haar Romeny
chairman NVPHBV - Eindhoven University of Technology - Eindhoven NL
Prof. Romeny has spent his whole career in geometrical biomedical image analysis, exploiting ‘brain-inspired computing’. The methods developed in that computer vision community turn out to be today eminently suitable for explainable AI (XAI). Prof. Romeny is a awarded speaker, and will give this extended lecture as his farewell as president of our society for 9 years.
Prof. Bram van Ginneken
Prof. Bram van Ginneken
Professor at Radboud UMC Nijmegen
Bram van Ginneken was born in 1970 in Nuenen. He studied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology and Utrecht University. In 1996, he started working on medical image analysis, and started to climb the academic ladder as PhD student, assistant professor, associate professor and full professor. He set up and led the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group at Radboud UMC in Nijmegen from 2010 onwards. In 2023, he decided to step down to focus on a new company, Plain Medical, to improve the efficiency of radiology reporting. Previously, he developed products with Delft Imaging for tuberculosis screening, with MeVis Medical Solutions for lung cancer screening, and with Thirona (a company he co-founded) for chest CT and retinal image analysis. Additionally, he pioneered the concept of challenges in medical image analysis and created grand-challenge.org.
Dr. Esther Bron
Dr. Esther Bron
University Medical Center Rotterdam
Dr. Esther Bron is Assistant Professor at the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of the Erasmus MC – University Medical Center Rotterdam in the Netherlands. She is PI of the research line ‘Neuroimage analysis and Machine learning’. Her mission is to extend the value of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in the neurology domain to the benefit of patients and doctors. Dr. Bron obtained her PhD degree in 2016 with her thesis entitled Advanced MRI Analysis for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Dementia. Currently, she is PI in several multicenter projects (CVON Heart Brain Connection, ImProVas, Parelsnoer), and coordinator of the Image & Data Science Platform. Dr. Bron (co-)organized two international grand challenges for the objective comparison of algorithms for AD diagnosis (CADDementia challenge) and prediction (TADPOLE challenge). In addition, she won the Young eScientist Award 2018 by the Netherlands eScience Center and was finalist for the Young Outstanding Researcher Award 2020 by Alzheimer Nederland.


17 November 2020


15:30 - 17:00

More Info



  • Prof. Bram van Ginneken
    Prof. Bram van Ginneken
    Professor at Radboud UMC Nijmegen

    Bram van Ginneken was born in 1970 in Nuenen. He studied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology and Utrecht University. In 1996, he started working on medical image analysis, and started to climb the academic ladder as PhD student, assistant professor, associate professor and full professor. He set up and led the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group at Radboud UMC in Nijmegen from 2010 onwards. In 2023, he decided to step down to focus on a new company, Plain Medical, to improve the efficiency of radiology reporting. Previously, he developed products with Delft Imaging for tuberculosis screening, with MeVis Medical Solutions for lung cancer screening, and with Thirona (a company he co-founded) for chest CT and retinal image analysis. Additionally, he pioneered the concept of challenges in medical image analysis and created grand-challenge.org.

  • Dr. Esther Bron
    Dr. Esther Bron
    University Medical Center Rotterdam

    Dr. Esther Bron is Assistant Professor at the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of the Erasmus MC – University Medical Center Rotterdam in the Netherlands. She is PI of the research line ‘Neuroimage analysis and Machine learning’. Her mission is to extend the value of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in the neurology domain to the benefit of patients and doctors. Dr. Bron obtained her PhD degree in 2016 with her thesis entitled Advanced MRI Analysis for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Dementia. Currently, she is PI in several multicenter projects (CVON Heart Brain Connection, ImProVas, Parelsnoer), and coordinator of the Image & Data Science Platform. Dr. Bron (co-)organized two international grand challenges for the objective comparison of algorithms for AD diagnosis (CADDementia challenge) and prediction (TADPOLE challenge). In addition, she won the Young eScientist Award 2018 by the Netherlands eScience Center and was finalist for the Young Outstanding Researcher Award 2020 by Alzheimer Nederland.

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